How to active or improve ‘Akash Tatva’

The “Akash Tatva” (Ether Element) is one of the five fundamental elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) in Indian philosophy and Ayurveda, representing space and the subtle, expansive quality of the universe. It is associated with communication, intuition, creativity, and higher consciousness. Improving or balancing the Akash Tatva through yoga helps open channels of communication, enhances clarity of thought, and improves one’s spiritual and mental well-being.

Here are ways to cultivate and improve the Akash Tatva through yoga practices:

Pranayama (Breathing Techniques):

Ujjayi Pranayama: Also known as the “victorious breath,” this technique creates a sound that resonates through the throat and aligns with the element of Akash. Ujjayi breath helps open the throat chakra (Vishuddha), which governs communication and expression.

Kapalbhati: This cleansing breath also activates the upper part of the body, clearing blocked energy pathways and promoting mental clarity and purification, both of which enhance the Akash Tatva.

Anulom Vilom (Nadi Shodhana): Alternate nostril breathing balances both hemispheres of the brain, harmonizing the body and mind, which creates clarity and aids in better spiritual connections linked with the Akash element.


Silent Meditation: Sitting in silence and observing your thoughts helps develop the connection with the Akash element, as it opens the mind to higher states of consciousness. Practices like sahaja dhyana (effortless meditation) can enhance sensitivity to the inner space and to the universe.

Chanting and Mantras: Chanting mantras, particularly the sound “Om” or “Aum” (the primordial sound of the universe), is known to enhance the Akash Tatva. It represents the cosmic sound that connects all things in the universe. Chanting these mantras, either silently or aloud, resonates with the element of space and fosters awareness and spiritual expansion.

Asanas (Yoga Postures):

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): A heart-opening pose that helps expand the chest and facilitates better breathing, which is linked to the expansive nature of Akash.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose): This asana opens up the throat and chest, releasing blockages in the neck area and helping communication and expression.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose): This gentle hip-opening pose helps align and relax the body and mind, promoting receptiveness to space and openness.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): This full-body stretch helps open and align the body, especially the upper part, which is often associated with the element of Akash. It also enhances the flow of prana, leading to increased mental clarity.

Breathing into Space (Visualizing Akash):

Visualization Practice: Sit in a comfortable meditative posture, and visualize yourself as a vast open sky or space. Imagine your breath as the wind moving through the infinite expanse, and focus on how it is endless and vast, representing the element of Akash.

In each inhale, imagine you are filling yourself with limitless space and creativity. As you exhale, release anything that makes you feel restricted or limited.

Mindful Communication:

The Akash Tatva governs communication and thought. By practicing mindful communication (active listening, speaking with awareness, and aligning your speech with truth), you align your own communication system with the Akash. This can be done through daily mindful practices of listening and speaking with integrity, patience, and intention.

sound therapy yoga

Chanting or Listening to Sacred Sound Frequencies:

Sound Therapy: Since the Akash Tatva is connected to sound and vibration, listening to high-vibrational frequencies like Solfeggio tones or using singing bowls or Tibetan gongs in meditation can balance the element of Akash.

Regular chanting or repeating the sacred sound “Om” can help bring you into deeper connection with the infinite expanse of the universe. This sound is known to represent the essence of all elements, and especially, it harmonizes the Akash element.

Mind and Body Synchronization:

Being in tune with your thoughts, emotions, and physical state plays a key role in cultivating the Akash Tatva. Practicing yoga can deepen your connection with the subtler aspects of life, aligning you with the boundless space that exists both inside and outside of you.

Diet and Lifestyle:

A balanced diet that supports mental clarity and calmness also helps improve the Akash element. Foods that are light and pure, like fruits, vegetables, and plant-based meals, can improve the expansiveness of the Akash. Avoid overly heavy foods that might create mental fog and block the flow of energy.

By combining these practices, you nurture and open yourself to the infinite, expansive, and conscious space represented by the Akash Tatva. It brings deeper awareness, peace, creativity, and spiritual growth into your life.

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