America has finally started the final testing of the sixth generation bomber B-21 Raider. The US Air Force aims to add 100 B-21 Raiders to its fleet. This is a stealth bomber, which no radar in the world can detect. America claims that no such bomber has been built yet.
Washington: The American Air Force has come very close to building its sixth generation fighter bomber. This is a highly confidential project. Tom Jones, head of the Aeronautics Division of American weapons company Northrop Grumman, has said that the stealth bomber B-21 Raider is now in the phase of software upgrade and its flight testing has started. The B-21 Raider is America’s upcoming sixth generation strategic bomber fighter jet, whose job is to drop heavy bombs, especially nuclear bombs. Stealth technology has been incorporated in it, which will make it impossible for radars to track it. According to the report, once the construction is completed, the US Air Force has expressed its intention to buy 100 B-21 Raiders. America has so far been using B-2 Spirit bombers to drop bombs.
Tom Jones has revealed that the work on the B-21 Raider is progressing in the right direction. Jones has revealed that the development of the aircraft is moving in the right direction and it is performing well in many respects. He has revealed that this bomber is currently being flown at least twice a week at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Despite less than a year of testing, the aircraft has needed a change in software only once. Which is a sign of its success.

The B-21 Raider will be expert in dropping nuclear bombs
The B-21 Raider is being manufactured by Northrop Grumman and is being manufactured in California. The company’s goal is to make this bomber flyable every day. During the flight test, real-time data is being obtained to constantly know the results, so that engineers can know about the flaws. Northrop Grumman has invested heavily in building this bomber. The company has invested more than US $ 2 billion in infrastructure and digital development to create an integrated digital eco-system. By combining digital design tools with real-time production processes, Northrop has improved the efficiency of the bomber, which will save at least one-third of the time in its construction.
Northrop has said that it has built a state-of-the-art manufacturing for faster production of bombers. Full-scale production will be done here. Apart from this, innovations will also be made in the production of B-21. However, on the question of accelerating production, Jones said that this program is designed to gradually increase production, in which only a limited number of aircraft will be given annually. He said that it depends on the administration how many bombers they need. And “Our job is to ensure that the Air Force has the option to make this decision.” The biggest feature of this bomber is to drop bombs at long distances. It is an attack bomber, which has the ability to enter the enemy’s territory and attack.
This is a digital bomber jet. Which means that software and digital engineering have been used in its construction. Digital engineering will also be used in its production. The purpose of making this bomber is to drop bombs at long distances. It can easily carry out conventional and nuclear missions. This bomber is capable of flying at an altitude of 50 to 60 thousand feet and can bomb anywhere in the world. Apart from this, stealth technology has been used in it to avoid radar. It is believed that once the final testing is done, it will become the backbone of the US Air Force.