U.S. Advances Toward Deploying Sentinel ICBM: Next-Gen Nuclear Deterrent with 5,500 km Range Nears Reality

America’s nuclear destruction missile Sentinel will blow the enemy’s senses, soon to become a reality, will cause destruction up to 5500 km away

The US Air Force has come very close to developing the dangerous Sentinel missile. This missile, which is being developed in collaboration with Northrop Grumman Corporation, has recently undergone an important test. This missile is part of the US Army’s comprehensive program to modernize its nuclear triangle.

Washington: America has come close to developing the next generation state-of-the-art intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Sentinel, which will be equipped with the ability to bring destruction with nuclear weapons. The US Air Force and Northrop Grumman Corporation have recently succeeded in conducting important tests in the development of the missile. This test is important in taking the missile program closer to production and deployment. Brigadier General William Rogers, Air Force Program Officer for ICBM, commented on the importance of this test.

Modernization of the nuclear triangle
General Rogers said, we are modernizing our nuclear triangle. The recent test is important as part of a comprehensive program to replace the old Minuteman 3 ICBM. The Sentinel ICBM is intended to enhance the ground part of the US nuclear triad, which is vital to maintaining deterrence capabilities.

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Sentinel System Program Manager Colonel Amanda Okeson said, the entire team is focused on ensuring that this program fulfills its promise of providing an unmatched strategic deterrent. The Sentinel system is expected to replace the existing fleet of 400 Minuteman 3 ICBMs, which have been in service for more than half a century. Minuteman 3 was first deployed in the early 1970s. Some of its components have been updated, but much of the original system is still in use.

Range of Sentinel Missile

America’s new missile LGM-35A is claimed to have a range of more than 5500 kilometers. It is designed to provide a strategic deterrence in the future. Maintenance and training activities to enhance the Sentinel missile program will take place at various locations, including Hill Air Force Base in the US state of Utah and missile alert facilities in several states.

Sentinel missile vs Minuteman

Sentinel missile range

Sentinel missile speed

Sentinel missile cost

Sentinel missile program cost

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Sentinel ICBM

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